Most common comments heard at the LVBC booth

This is great, I hope they do it every…. (fill in the blank)
Answer:  We do too, but realistically it will probably be much longer than most would hope.  This CicLAvia was two years in the planning, and there is not another one currently being planned.  Hopefully, the success of this one will start the wheels moving for another one in the future.   But there are smaller events and rides happening locally, and La Verne Bicycle Coalition is planning to do some fun, casual rides in the future.

I want to ride my bike around here more but I just don’t feel safe.  
Answer: It shouldn’t require a unique massive event and completely closing the streets to cars for casual riders to feel safe riding their bicycle from their house to visit a local restaurant. 

Fear is the number one factor preventing most residents from choosing healthier, more sustainable options.  Most the people we met have bicycles sitting in their garages already.  We need to make a real effort to make our streets “feel” safer, encourage car-free options, and combine that with outreach and education (like community bike safety classes).


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