In 2015, La Verne received grant approval for the “Bicycle Gap Closure Project” which included improvements throughout the city. A major component of the project was a Class 1 bike path along Arrow Highway next to the current railroad tracks. However, as a result of the Gold Line extension, the City was informed there would not be sufficient right away for both the Gold Line tracks and the proposed bike path. As a result, the City was required to modify the original proposal, and seek pre-approval of an alternative plan. In October the State approved the City’s revised list of projects allowing the City to move forward.
While the list of projects does not include every street/improvement needed in La Verne, it does include many streets considered priorities by bicyclists. Once implemented, La Verne will have significant improvements on key routes, and will then be in a better position to add the additional recommendations expected from the Active Transportation Plan currently in development. The approved revised project lists includes:
- Bike lanes on Bonita
- Bike lanes on Baseline
- Bike lanes on White & Fruit (connecting to Baseline)
- Bike Lanes on Puddingstone Drive
- Bike lanes on Wheeler (from Baseline to Sidewalk Class 1)
- Improvements to the Wheeler sidewalk Class 1
- Signalized crossing of Wheeler for Marshall Canyon Trail
- Upgrade select signals to recognize bicycles
- Bike lockers at City Hall
The city expects to have more information to share in early 2019.