The new Golden Hills Road - A step forward or backward?

Across the region, Cities are actively seeking opportunities and funding to make their roads more accommodating/encouraging of Active Transportation. In a largely built environment, this often means updating older roads that were designed only with vehicles in mind, retrofitting them to better accommodate all users.  Building new roads are rare and present unique opportunity to build roads which accommodate all users, avoiding the mistakes of the past.

In light of this, it is especially disappointing to see new Golden Hills Road which recently opened, next to the older, original version of the road.  Arguably, the new version not only missed the opportunity to improve safety for non-vehicle users but is even more dangerous than the road it replaced.  On a road which has historically very high non-vehicle usage, functions as a connector into La Verne, and provides a much less intimidating alternative to the Baseline / Foothill interchange this is both tone deaf and inexcusable.  Is this really our best effort?

You can reach the City of San Dimas at
Att: Krishna Patel

Tour de Murals Community Ride

The La Verne Tour de Mural community ride took place Saturday, November 17.   Jointly coordinated by the La Verne Historical Society, Bike SGV and La Verne Bicycle Coalition.   A great group showed up on a perfect day with a mix of La Verne residents, and visitors from outside the city.  The group saw 10 of La Verne’s historical murals/artwork with stops at 6 to hear from presenters, many of them the actual artists.  Thanks to all those who attended and a special thanks to the presenters. 

Survey of Bonita Unified School District School Board Candidates

La Verne Bicycle Coalition conducted a survey of all the candidates for the Bonita Unified School District Board.   In many cities, the schools and city closely partner to encourage youth to walk / bike while ensuring the environment around the schools is safe to do so.  Each candidate was asked about their experience, knowledge and how they will work to encourage active choices within our youth if elected.   Here are their responses:

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