Damien Avenue Repaving

Damien Avenue is designated a “Bike Route” in the current La Verne General Plan. Damien Avenue also functions as a connector to two major schools, (Damien High School and Romona Middle School). In November 2017 the City passed a Complete Streets Policy which the intent to ensure all future streets designs consider all users, including bicyclists.

Damien Avenue was recently repaved, and the picture above shows the new street design. La Verne IS making progress and steps forward, but to really reach our potential(and goals) we need to become more serious and capitalize on these opportunities.

Rainy Bike To Work Day

In almost impossible timing, the long-forecasted rain actually arrived exactly during the morning of Bike to Work Day. But representatives from the University of La Verne, and the La Verne Bicycle Coalition bravely set up the pit stop regardless. And in a demonstration of “build and they will come”, they received a small number of commuters braving the rain. Some passing through, some working in the city, and some working at the university. While Bike to Work Day is intended to encourage people to try commuting by bike, the 2019 version highlighted those who are truly committed.

Golden Hills Improvements

Although not technically in La Verne the new Golden Hills Road is a connector between La Verne and San Dimas, and used by many bicyclists. While there is little room to change a road after it is built, after several meetings with San Dimas, a traffic study improvements to the road were agreed upon. The week of May 6th, some of these changes were put into effect. This includes removing sections of the “Botts Dots” to provide a path for bicyclists, and installation of “Bikes May Use Full Lane” signs.

Community Ride Recap

There was an excellent turnout for the LVBC community ride “Hidden Trails and Bridges of La Verne”. The group was comprised of bicyclists of all levels, which made for a great, relaxed mix of people. In many ways, it accurately reflected the demographics of bicycling in La Verne; residence, visitors coming to experience what La Verne has to offer, experienced and casual riders, and even several ebikes mixed in.

A big thanks to LA County Trails for clearing the cross barriers that have long plagued bicyclists, limiting the usability of the trails. Keep watching the La Verne Bicycle Coalition communications, as we explore ways to make these trails more visible, usable and safe. This will include some future trail clean-up days where helping hands are welcomed. Also, later in the year, the City of La Verne has some upgrades planned as well.

Marshall Canyon- Cross City Trail Improvements

Few people know that the Marshall Canyon Trail extends across La Verne from North to South. This is actually not a surprise since there is confusion around its purpose, target uses, and ownership for improvements & maintenance. This is a shame, as many cities are looking for opportunities to improve active transportation. While paths that separated from vehicles are much more desirable/effective, they are very hard(and costly) to implement in a built-out city such as La Verne.

La Verne Bicycle Coalition has started to invest in making the Marshall Canyon Trail a more desirable, usable route. This includes a clean-up of a little known bridge, and more recently having barriers removed that forced users to step over, or lift bicycles, strollers, wagons, etc.

Saturday, May 11, the La Verne Bicycle Coalition will lead a community ride to explore this hidden trail, and some of the hidden bridges as well. The ride meets at 9:00 am, at Kuns Park, the corner of Bonita and Magnolia.

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