Marshall Canyon- Cross City Trail Improvements

Few people know that the Marshall Canyon Trail extends across La Verne from North to South. This is actually not a surprise since there is confusion around its purpose, target uses, and ownership for improvements & maintenance. This is a shame, as many cities are looking for opportunities to improve active transportation. While paths that separated from vehicles are much more desirable/effective, they are very hard(and costly) to implement in a built-out city such as La Verne.

La Verne Bicycle Coalition has started to invest in making the Marshall Canyon Trail a more desirable, usable route. This includes a clean-up of a little known bridge, and more recently having barriers removed that forced users to step over, or lift bicycles, strollers, wagons, etc.

Saturday, May 11, the La Verne Bicycle Coalition will lead a community ride to explore this hidden trail, and some of the hidden bridges as well. The ride meets at 9:00 am, at Kuns Park, the corner of Bonita and Magnolia.